
21st February 2017

Bribe-Based Black Elite Enrichment

TAILORING FACTS: Minister Gugile Nkwinti pretends to care about poor black people who were deprived of their land, but he’s clearly equally concerned about the enrichment […]
7th February 2017

Folly of ranting over rankings

Manyi and his merry men in the BPF regularly make fools of themselves. Will they ever wake up to the fact that ratings count…? People like […]
29th January 2017

Kan SA lesse leer uit onlangse gebeure in Amerika en Brittanje?

My artikel in gister se Beeld: Kan SA lesse leer uit onlangse gebeure in Amerika en Brittanje?
24th January 2017

ANC needs new blood

Should ANC chairperson and Speaker in the National Assembly Baleka Mbete become president of the ANC, she would be lousy at it, says the writer. Picture: […]
10th January 2017

Headlines are not always true

The writer says manufactured outrage and sometimes even deliberately misleading misinformation is confusing newspaper readers. File picture: Flickr Like the Time magazine article in which SA […]
4th January 2017

Storm in ‘n glas water

My artikel in Beeld vandag oor die Msimanga/Taiwan /ANC herrie.